Lihtsalt kahe kiraniku blogid

Ma olen rohkem aastaid kui ma tahan tunnistada jälginud kahe kirjaniku blogi – Neil Gaiman ja Jonathan Carroll – ning seda nende kirjutamise algusest peale.

Kui Gaiman kasutab enda blogi peamiselt lugejate küsimustele vastamiseks ja (eduka?!) kirjaniku loomingu realiseerimise tehnilise poole (turundus, lugemised raamatupoodides, raamatu kujundus) tutvustamiseks, siis Carroll’i blog on üks suur tähelduste ja märkuste jada, kust võib leida huvitavaid mõtteid, kummalisi täheldusi ja olemise kentsakaid keerdkäike:

In the window of the art gallery is only one thing– a sensational black and white photograph of a beautiful woman eating a very large jelly donut. There’s white powdered sugar all over her face. She’s staring at the camera and laughing, obviously indifferent to how ridiculous (and wonderful) she looks. But the best part of the picture is this: a few feet behind her, out of her line of vision, a mongrel dog is sitting nearby staring up at her with absolute hatred and envy. It is hilarious. I have rarely seen a picture of an animal with such a human expression on its face. This one is pure jealousy.

It’s such a great picture that I have to enter the gallery and look at this photographer’s other work. And that is when it becomes interesting because although the place is full of the person’s other work, all of it is mediocre crap. Bad calendar art, the many pictures are all a hundred miles away from the excellence of that one photograph in the window.

Was that photograph an accident? Or was it simply the peak of this artist’s career; the only great photo they ever had, or would, take. That was it forever–one shot, one moment of true greatness.

Muide, kui sa oled kunagi tahtnud olla väikesamat sorti tegelane Stephen Kingi, Lemony Snicketi või Jonathan Lethemi raamatus, siis varsti võid kopsaka summa eest selle au osaliseks saada. Kui kopsaka? Gaiman pani mõni aeg tagasi enda värskes romaanis ühe prominentse laeva nime müüki. Võitja pidi nimetamise au eest maksma üle 3500 dollari.

Kusjuures kõik tulud eelnevalt mainitud nimede müügist lähevad heategevusele.

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One Comment

  1. Roland ütleb:

    Aitäh Carrolli lingi eest.

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