Inimesed on leidlikud: darknet

Kuigi RIAA ja MPAA karvane käsi Eestisse esialgu veel eriti ei ulatu pole olukord päris sama Rootsis, kus Pirate Bay mõniaeg tagasi just RIAA ja MPAA survel ette võeti. Tõenäoliselt ei osanud kahe mammutorganisatsiooni juristid aga arvatagi, et nende tegevus võib põhjustada Rootsis uue poliitilise partei – Piraatide partei – sünni. Vähe sellest, et uus partei soovib autorikaitse seadusi Rootsis oluliselt muuta on nad asunud pakkuma ka darknet’i ehk pimevõrgu (kui keegi teab paremat sõna, siis võtaks meeledi kasutusele) teenust:

Long predicted by journalists, analysts, and pirates, darknets are encrypted private networks that facilitate private acquisition and distribution of content in an environment that is inherently conducive to the evasion of detection and surveillance. Originally introduced in a 2002 paper called “The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution,” in which the authors imply that the emergence of darknets is inevitable as long as content can be copied and there is sufficient interest in distribution.

Mis sorti teenusega, siis tegu on selgitab sama Ars Technica artikkel, kust pärines ka eelnev tsitaat:

Relakks, which is described as “Swedish style” broadband, provides a high-speed virtual private network through which users can anonymously connect to the Internet. Users are given substitute IP addresses that enable them to surf the web and use bandwidth intensive network applications through a connection protected by 128-bit encryption that theoretically deflects ISP snooping. Located in Sweden and built entirely without American software “for security reasons,” the Relakks service emphasizes legal protection as well as technological protection. Sweden’s Electronic Communications Act of 2003 stipulates that telecommunications service providers are only required to turn over records to the Swedish government in circumstances where evidence demonstrates beyond doubt that a suspect has perpetrated a crime for which a minimum jail sentence of two years is applicable. Relakks is not legally required to turn over records to any other government or organization.

Teenus maksab 5 Euri kuus ja uurinud natuke Relakks’i inglise keelset lehekülge jäi minule mulje, et teenuse tarbimiseks ei pea asuma Rootsis. Nende esileheküljel praegu ilutsev tekst, et neil on probleeme uute klientide lisamisega annab põhjust arvata, et enda anonüümsuse pärast muretsevaid inimesi on rohkem kui küllaga.

Igal juhul edu neile!

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One Comment

  1. paul ütleb:

    Ja ongi nii, et just kiusu pärast võiks isegi hakata mingi pimevõrgu kasutajaks.
    Ära tüütab ametiisikute nuuskimine erategevuse järgi, eriti, kui seda teevad ookeanitagused nuuskurid!

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