Wikid praktikas:luureinfo töötlus, kustutamine Wikipeediast, juhtimisalane raamat

Wikidele on vaikselt leitud igasugu huvitavaid rakendusi, mida on peetud meediakajastuse vääriliseks ja tähelepanuta pole jäänud loomulikult jäänud ka Wikipedia, kuigi seda üpris huvitaval viisil. Seega kolm viimasel minu tähelepanu köitnud.

Luureagentuurid on asunud märksa tõsisemalt mõtlema sellele, kuidas Wikidega ennetada näiteks terroristide rünnakuid luues Wikipeedia sarnaseid kinniseid opensource projekte ainult luuretöötajatele. Hiljuti kajastas teemat pikema artikliga New York Times, kus on muu hulgas juttu Galileo projektist, mille eesmärgiks oli koguda uusi ideid nagu wikid ja blogide kasutamine luureinfo kogumiseks ja sorteerimiseks:

In the fall of 2005, they joined forces with C.I.A. wiki experts to build a prototype of something called Intellipedia, a wiki that any intelligence employee with classified clearance could read and contribute to. To kick-start the content, C.I.A. analysts seeded it with hundreds of articles from nonclassified documents like the C.I.A. World Fact Book. In April, they sent out e-mail to other analysts inviting them to contribute, and sat back to see what happened.

By this fall, more than 3,600 members of the intelligence services had contributed a total of 28,000 pages. Chris Rasmussen, a 31-year-old “knowledge management” engineer at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, spends part of every day writing or editing pages. Rasmussen is part of the younger generation in the intelligence establishment that is completely comfortable online; he regularly logs into a sprawling, 50-person chat room with other Intellipedians, and he also blogs about his daily work for all other spies to read. He told me the usefulness of Intellipedia proved itself just a couple of months ago, when a small two-seater plane crashed into a Manhattan building. An analyst created a page within 20 minutes, and over the next two hours it was edited 80 times by employees of nine different spy agencies, as news trickled out. Together, they rapidly concluded the crash was not a terrorist act.

Artikkel käsitleb ka probleeme, mis seotud luureagentuuride omapäraga: salatsemise ja tundliku informatsiooniga, mida paljud töötajad ei soovi üldse avalikustada.

Alles hiljuti võis aga Washington Post’ist lugeda, kuidas Wikipedia toimetajate kollektiiv otsustab, kes väärib eraldi lehekülge Wikipedias ja kes mitte. Need, kes eraldi lehekülge ei vääri kustutatakse, mis on loomulikult ohvrites natuke pahameelt tekitanud ja neid “ohvreid” pole üldse vähe:

Casual readers might assume that Wikipedia’s goal is a complete account of all earthly knowledge, but the site maintains a rather elaborate set of criteria for admission. The several thousand unpaid volunteers who write and edit Wikipedia spend a lot of energy ensuring that people, bands, companies, and everything else meet what it calls “notability guidelines.”

Let’s sum it up this way: Not everyone is Wiki-worthy.

In fact, Wikipedia jettisons more than 100 entries every day, many of them from people who posted autobiographies after registering on the site. (Writing your own entry, as we will see, is “strongly discouraged.”) The list of nominated rejects is posted each day on a page titled “articles for deletion,” and because all of Wikipedia is transparent and public, anyone can watch the editors’ votes roll in, and witness those ultimately deemed non-notable slink away, in real time, after getting cyber-gonged off the stage. Type “wikipedia deletion log” into Google for a peek at the latest.

Üllatavaltki kütkestav lugu Wikipedia arengu ja kujunemise telgitagustest.

Kuidas kirjutada Wikide mõjust ärile ja sellele, kuidas sotsiaalne tarkvara muudab meie arusaama sellest, mida äri endast kujutab ning mida on üldse võimalik saavutada? Aga loomulikult kasutades selleks Wikit. MIT’i Sloan School of Management’ist on tulemas huvitav eksperiment:

Be an author of the first networked book on business. Together we will write the book on how the emergence of community and social networks will change the future rules of business. Collaborate with authors from MIT, Wharton, and thousands of professionals from around the world. See your name in print when the book is published next fall by Pearson Publishing. Meet your co-authors in March, 2007 in Las Vegas at the Community 2.0 event.

Igal juhul oleks huvitav teada, kuidas lõpuks raamatul läheb ja kas see ka lugeda kõlbab. Natuke kahju, et ilma registreerimata pole võimalik enam kui 17. peatükise raamatuga tutvuda, kuid eks uudishimu eest tuleb samuti maksta – näiteks informatsiooniga.

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One Comment

  1. paul ütleb:

    Huvitavad arengud, kuid kas ka produktiivsed?
    Raamatu kirjutamisel peab keegi seda ka toimetama ning lõpuks on oht, et raamat saab kangesti toimetaja nägu.

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